

Recurring Events
  • All Hands Meeting - Last Friday of the Month, 12pm EST || Recurring GCal Invite
  • Ops Sync - Every Tuesday, 9am EST || Recurring GCal Invite

Anyone is welcome to join our public spaces! Please check out our events calendar.

All Hands Meetings

dOrg builders are located all around the globe and collaborate remotely 🌐. We therefore don't get the opportunity to all hang out very often. We do, however, Monthly All-Hands meetings, which are held on the first Thursday @ 12pm EST of the month/ 6pm CET in the Discord voice channel 'All Members'. Attending All-Hands meetings are not required but we recommend you attend! New builders have a chance to introduce yourself to the rest of the collective and share what kind of work they're looking for. Plus, meet other builders and get a good overview of the projects we're working on.

To participate on the All Hands Meeting, contact our Experience Facilitator Clara or sign up yourself for a Demo, Tech Talk, Discussions or suggest a Guest Speaker on this spreadsheet.

Remember, attending AHMs gives you the chance to get 50 rep ⭐️.

➡️ Check out previous recorded AHMs.

Speaking Events

dOrg members are often invited to conferences, university lectures, podcasts, DAO talks, interviews, etc. In case you were invited to an outside dOrg event & you want to represent dOrg contact Comms&Marketing team Anita or Joshua for further details (slides template presentation, t-shirt, etc). Also sign up on the spreadsheet for the record.

Remember… you can earn some REP by representing dOrg in an IRL event, Check here to know others ways you can earn & use REP 🔥

Here are some resources that may help you during your journey:

  • IRL Event Lead Guide
  • Potencial Leads at Events

Hot Seat Live Episode

dOrg Hot Seat Podcast is the podcast about the hard tech questions! We collectively interview tech leads and founders of our favorite web3 infrastructure, products, and protocols. We get into the nitty-gritty details web3 devs and enthusiasts want to hear!

Attending an episode is not required, however if you are a dOrg member you could earn 500 rep by asking the best hard question. Please, contact Anita for any doubts or questions.

Check out our latest episodes on Youtube 🎙️!

Upskilling Workshops

Upskilling workshops are organized in advance with at least a two-week notice. These workshops are held for dOrg builders by dOrg builders. We offer a blend of tech and non-tech sessions accompanied by live (and anonymous) Q&A sessions.

Workshops happen in the Discord Community Hall voice channel and are recorded. Check out upcoming workshops on your calendar or spreadsheet.

If you're interested in hosting a tech or non-tech workshop, please reach out to Experience Facilitator Clara at clara@dorg.tech. Remember, hours dedicated to preparation and facilitating the workshop are compensated as Swarms hours.

➡️ Check out previous Workshops recorded on youtube.


Since all dOrg members work remotely once per year we gather in real life for at least for a week. Please notice that dOrg retreat it's proactively managed by members who want to attend. dOrg covers the housing expenses as approved by the DAO and flying & maintenance costs are covered by each dOrg member (unless treasury gives us new updates).

You could also earn 2000 rep by attending a retreat 🔥. Check more about it here.

Check out our 2022 dOrg Retreat in Gran Canaria 🏝️!

DAO.fm on Twitter Spaces

DAO.fm was a public event on our Twitter Spaces. There we talked about DAOs, DAO tools, governance, web 3, blockchain, smart contracts, NFTs, crypto, crypto taxes, etc.