dOrg is constantly improving its off- and on-chain structures.
Legal ⚖️
In May 2019 we incorporated as a Blockchain-Based Limited Liability Company. This wraps our on-chain components in an entity that can interface with legacy legal systems. Back then there existed very few blockchain-based organizations– let alone any with legal recognition or revenue.
dOrg, LLC
9200 NW 39th Ave
Ste 130 #3382
Gainesville, FL 32606
ID: 0357139
EIN: 84-2930500
Revenue Model đź’¸
Members work on small teams to execute on client projects. Each project has its own multisignature wallet for collecting revenue and distributing it amongst the member(s) sourcing the deal, executing on the deliverables, and the shared treasury.
Governance & Treasury đź—ł
Governance is required for all treasury expenditures and legal decisions, such as adding or removing a member, initiating a client project, altering Rep issuance mechanics, or funding a new initiative. Project-level matters and role-specific tasks do not require proposals, unless there is a dispute that gets escalated to the organizational level. Members make organizational decisions by discussing in dOrg’s private forum and then voting on Snapshot. Check out how to launch a Snapshot.
- Proposals stay open for 5 days.
- Require at least 5 votes to be valid.
- Proposals that don’t pass quorum require a minimum 5 weeks gap in order to be relaunched.
- Proposals need to include YES-ABSTAIN-NO options.
- Abstention means willingness to participate in governance (counting as quorum) without positioning on outcome. Aka if abstention option wins, second most voted option is the poll result. Abstention use cases to leverage your voting power.
- Builders can delegate voting power to another dOrg member, instructions here.
Decisions that require on-chain actions are then enacted by 4-of-7 elected signers through dOrg’s Safe (mainnet, polygon). Current Signers.
Financial Statements & Token Flows đź’°
Builders can access dOrg’s accrual based financial statements by month here. Under this method, revenue is recognized when dOrg issues an invoice for services performed for our clients, regardless of when the payment is sent. On the expense side, expenses are recorded when they are incurred, again independent of when the tokens/fiat are remitted. The financial statements are based off the 80%/10%/10% model described above. Besides builder payments, other expenses include SaaS costs (i.e. Google, Airtable, iPostal, Netlify), taxes, internal roles and funded initiative.
Builders can also view our financials on a token flow basis, meaning all inflows and outflows of tokens (primarily stablecoins) across all of our project safes and main treasury. This report can be viewed here. Before submitting a funded initiative or internal role, builders should view these reports to see how the proposed outflow will affect our main ETH treasury (see the “Simulator” tab here). Proposals should target a decrease of no more than 10% of treasury balance.
Note: if a builder has a necessary business expense it needs dOrg to cover (i.e. SaaS expenses), please reach out to dOrg’s accountant, Mackenzie ( We can use our prepaid crypto debit card, Rain Cards, to pay for the expense (instead of having the builder paying for the charge personally and getting reimbursed later).
Membership & Rep 🏅
Membership in dOrg is represented as a non-transferable erc20 token that we call Rep. Members earn Rep automatically by working on client projects or internally. Rep gives members a proportional share of voting weight and token bonuses as well as other benefits (more details here).
Anyone can begin to earn Rep after going through the hiring process, which includes governance approval. Any member that doesn’t earn Rep for an entire fiscal quarter goes into a state we call chilling. Unlike building members, chillers don’t have access to all spaces and token bonuses. They can still participate in governance and become builders again by earning Rep through work contributions.
Membership in dOrg and all corresponding Rep can be revoked at any time through governance.